Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Blogging after baby

I thought I would have so much time to blog once I was staying home all but two days of the week with Joel, but I slightly underestimated how much of my time would be devoted to him. I spend a great deal of my day meeting his basic needs, such as feeding him, changing him, getting him down for a nap, which I expected. What I didn't realize is the time I give just playing with him. He is so fun to watch and talk to, that time just slips by! I am finally catching up on blogging (3 months later) while he spends some time reading with Tyler!

First up...Joel's journey into the world! My due date was March 17th, but when I was first check at 36 weeks (dilated to 1 cm and 40% effacement) my doctor was sure we would deliver a week or so early, but definitely not go past our due date. WRONG!! So when we went to the hospital with regular contractions on March 19th we were very ready to meet our son and determined we were not going home without him. We checked in around 11 p.m. and I was only dilated to about a 2 1/2. They said the would keep us about an hour and see if I progressed anymore and if not, they would send me home to wait until my appointment on the 41 weeks. We were praying I would progress and thankfully Joel was being a little stinker, keeping us there longer than expected. They were monitoring both my contractions and his heart rate, but every time I had a big contraction he would move and they would lose track of his heart rate, causing them to monitor us longer, and ultimately keeping us over night. The overnight doctor came to see us right before her shift ended and graciously decided to keep us and induce us for a three reasons. 1. I was passed my due date. 2. I had to start an antibiotic as soon as I was in labor (for Group B Strep) and it would be easier to start then since I was already admitted. 3. She said we had that "we are done" look and had pity on us! So the fun began around 7 am on Sunday, May 20th.

Once we knew we were being admitted and they were going to begin inducing labor we started making the phone calls to family and close friends to tell them the exciting news and ask for prayer. Dr. Pappas started his shift at 7 am that morning, so he took over and was there for our labor and delivery. He gave me my antibiotic and one dose of pitocin and went ahead and checked me around 8 am. I was at a 3, so he decided to go ahead and break my water. The pitocin and water breaking both started working quickly and I started feeling some pretty good contractions, so we went ahead and ordered the epidural. I got to experience pretty painful contractions for about an hour before the anesthesiologist arrived. Most of our family had also arrived about then. I was dilated to a 4 when he gave me an epidural...very scary at the time but so so worth it. I could feel it almost immediately and was very comfortable then. We had many visitors throughout the morning, making the time fly by. I was stuck at 5cm for a couple hours, but my nurse, who was absolutely amazing, checked me again around 2 pm and I had finally made it to 8 cm. Right after she checked me I started feeling some heavy pressure and so she checked me again within 30 minutes and we were at 10 cm!!! She then told me we would wait about 30 minutes before calling the doctor in and starting to push. The pressure was getting very strong, so that was a little uncomfortable. After about 20 minutes I told her I really felt like I needed to push so we did some practice pushes and she said we wouldn't be pushing for very long so she would go ahead and call Dr. Pappas. We pushed for about 20-25 minutes before he came in and only about 5-10 minutes after he arrived. Total pushing time was 32 minutes...pretty good for a first baby! Although I could feel a lot of the pressure while I was pushing, the epidural made it so much more comfortable and it was such a great experience. My mom and Tyler's mom were both there to experience Joel's birth with us...a moment none of us will ever forget. That first look at him is a moment more amazing than I will ever be able to explain. He came out with a lot ofdark curly hair, big lips, and bright beautiful eyes. We were so in love already!

While we were waiting on him to arrive
so in love
Joel Joshua Kenyon
8 pounds, 4 ounces
20 inches
4:22 p.m.
Dad showing him off
Beautiful Boy!
Love those feet!
Grandma and JoelPapa and Joel
meeting Uncle Josh and Aunt Patti
meeting cousin JudeGramps and Joel
Grams and Joel
Aunt Jordan and Joel
Aunt Rach and Uncle Brian came to see him!
one of my favorites!
headed home

Joel was finally here and our journey had just begun. It has been so fun and exciting and we are looking forward to each new day of it. Joel is such a blessing from God and we are so very thankful for him!